
The Educational Review, USA

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Differences in Educational Concepts Between China and Britain

Weijie Zhang

School of Foreign Languages, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China.

*Corresponding author: Weijie Zhang

Published: March 21,2024


As the education systems of China and the UK gradually open up, the demand for mutual understanding and communication is also increasing. This article mainly explores the differences in educational concepts between China and the UK and uncovers some interesting phenomena. In traditional Chinese education, emphasis is placed on the goals, methods, and processes of learning. In the UK, emphasis is placed on fostering well-rounded, independent, and creative personal development. In terms of teaching methods, China places more emphasis on knowledge-based instruction, while the UK focuses more on developing students' practical and applied skills. These differences have led to variations in the learning priorities of students in China and the UK, and have also presented new challenges for communication in the field of education between the two countries. Therefore, in educational exchanges, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the differences in educational concepts between both sides. This can offer more advanced educational concepts compared to Chinese education concepts and contribute to the further development of Chinese education.


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How to cite this paper

Differences in Educational Concepts Between China and Britain

How to cite this paper: Weijie Zhang. (2024). Differences in Educational Concepts Between China and Britain.The Educational Review, USA8(2), 283-287.