
The Educational Review, USA

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A Review of Research on Student Learning Motivation

Jirui Dong*, Shanshan Cheng

Jinan Preschool Education College, Jinan, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Jirui Dong

Published: March 22,2024


The motivation of students to learn is a crucial emotional factor that significantly influences their educational outcomes. This article provides a concise overview of existing research on learning motivation, emphasizing key issues and strategies that impact students' desire to learn. It also incorporates personal teaching experiences and insights from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) regarding financial literacy assessments. The article introduces instructional strategies that utilize financial literacy as a motivational tool, aiming to actively engage students and enhance the relevance of learning in real-world contexts. By integrating financial literacy into the curriculum, the article suggests that students not only acquire essential financial knowledge but also cultivate a deeper interest and motivation to learn, thereby enriching their overall educational experience. This comprehensive approach to teaching financial literacy is presented as a means not only to educate students about important financial concepts but also to inspire enduring enthusiasm for acquiring and applying this knowledge in their daily lives.


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How to cite this paper

A Review of Research on Student Learning Motivation

How to cite this paper: Jirui Dong, Shanshan Cheng. (2024). A Review of Research on Student Learning Motivation.The Educational Review, USA8(2), 307-312.