
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Forecasting the World’s Development Trend and the Preparation of Capacity for Vietnamese Cadres and Civil Servants to Adapt to the New Conditions

To Hoang Linh 1,*, To Nai Nao 2, Ngo Van hung 3

1 Tuyen Quang City People's Committee, Tuyen Quang, Viet Nam.

2 Propaganda Department of Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee, Soc Trang, Viet Nam.

3 Ha Noi University of Home Affairs, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

*Corresponding author: To Hoang Linh, Tuyen Quang City People's Committee, Tuyen Quang, Viet Nam.

Published: April 3,2020


Today, the complex transformation of the world situation requires each country to have a new mindset, to make maximum use of available resources, to promote strengths, to repel risks, which facilitate motivation for integration and development. The trend of the new situation shows that the development of Viet Nam, through the administrative apparatus, is directly or indirectly determined by the human factor. In particular, when we build a strong and high-quality public servant team - this will be the key decision towards the operational efficiency of the administrative apparatus and vision for the country's development.

Based on official documents and studies, the author proposes "Forecasting the development trend of the world and the preparation of capacity for Vietnamese cadres and civil servants to adapt to the new conditions". Accordingly, the article reviews and gives basic predictions about the world, regional and domestic situation in accordance with the trend of development. From that basis, the author assesses the current  situation of Vietnamese cadres' and civil servants' capacity and proposes solutions essentially for addressing 3 factors: knowledge, skills, and qualities, attitudes, which are the factors that constitute the necessary capacity of Vietnamese cadres and civil servants to adapt to the new conditions.


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How to cite this paper

Forecasting the World's Development Trend and the Preparation of Capacity for Vietnamese Cadres and Civil Servants to Adapt to the New Conditions

How to cite this paper: To Hoang Linh, To Nai Nao, and Ngo Van hung. (2020) Forecasting the World's Development Trend and the Preparation of Capacity for Vietnamese Cadres and Civil Servants to Adapt to the New Conditions. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 1-7.