
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

Fixing the Broken World With Harmony-Based Leadership

Velimir Srića 1,*, Nikola Mićunović 2

1 University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2 University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro.

*Corresponding author: Velimir Srića, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Published: April 10,2020


The article is based on Velimir Srića’s book “In Search of Harmony in a Disharmonious World” and the emerging book “Strategic Harmony: Fixing the Broken World” by Ira Kaufman and Velimir Srića to be published in 2020. The text deals with the challenging conditions in the world and the ways to address them. The proposed solution is Strategic Harmony, based on many years of research and consulting experience. The purpose of the text is to help transform the world to what it can become instead of accepting the present situation as the default. The solution is harmony-based leadership in business and other institutions resulting in sustainable impact on the path to change and organizational harmony. The values are the basic ingredients of successful change management, and the text focuses on win-win, abundance mentality and the balance of Hope (our goals), Head (our thinking), Heart (our feelings) and Hands (our doing), leading to Strategic Harmony.


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How to cite this paper

Fixing the Broken World With Harmony-Based Leadership

How to cite this paper: Velimir Srića, Nikola Mićunović. (2020) Fixing the Broken World With Harmony-Based Leadership. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 21-28.