In the contemporary epoch dominated by digital streaming, the venerable music industry finds itself at the crossroads of unprecedented metamorphosis. This comprehensive paper delves deep into the intricate nuances of steering through the convoluted terrains of the music industry as it grapples with the implications of the streaming revolution. Commencing with an exploration of the meteoric rise of digital music streaming, the discourse delves into the ever-pertinent significance of music copyright in this brave new world. It underscores the multifaceted dynamics that interplay between artists, streaming behemoths, and traditional record labels. Given the explosive rise of platforms like Spotify, combined with the ambiguity surrounding the interpretation and implementation of music copyrights, the industry is entangled in a maze of challenges. However, it is not without its silver linings. This treatise is committed to presenting a panoramic view of the current milieu, dissecting its multifarious challenges, and unearthing the latent opportunities, thereby equipping stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving paradigm.
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How to cite this paper
Harmonizing the Digital Dissonance: Navigating the Streaming Era in the Music Industry
How to cite this paper: Kexin Fan. (2024) Harmonizing the Digital Dissonance: Navigating the Streaming Era in the Music Industry. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(3), 683-687.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.03.022