
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

Millennial Consumers’ Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility

Haiying Wei1,2, Yan Cui1,2,*

1Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Beihai, Guilin, China.

2University of Perpetual Help System DALTA, Las Pinas, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Yan Cui

Published: April 22,2024


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) behaviors can not only elicit positive responses from the community but also influence consumers' purchasing behavior. In this study, a questionnaire was designed and distributed with the help of the CSR Pyramid Model to collect data on millennial consumers' assessment of CSR. ANOVA, t-test, etc. were conducted on the collected data using SPSS 24.0 to analyze the significant difference between the respondents and the assessment of social responsibility. The results of the study indicate significant differences in the assessment of economic responsibility among consumers of different age groups, significant differences in the evaluation of CSR among consumers with diverse educational backgrounds and occupations, and significant differences in the assessment of economic and legal responsibility among consumers with varying income levels. This research finding can help companies increase their appeal to millennial consumers by engaging in more targeted socially responsible behaviors, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and responsible business model.


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How to cite this paper

Millennial Consumers' Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility

How to cite this paper: Haiying Wei, Yan Cui. (2024) Millennial Consumers' Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(3), 693-696.