
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Soul of Banyan Tree: A Study on the Folk Culture of Banyan Tree Worship in Hainan

Fengde Huo, Xiaomei Chen*

School of Literature, Qiongtai Normal University, Haikou, Hainan, China.

*Corresponding author: Xiaomei Chen

Published: April 22,2024


Tree worship is widespread throughout China, with different representations in different regions. They will choose different trees to express their spirit and belief. Banyan tree worship is one of the cultural phenomena widely existing in Hainan. The banyan tree is regarded as a "spirit" tree by Hainan folk, which has the significance of warding off evil spirits and praying for blessings. However, in the nature worship of Hainan, banyan tree worship is not just a simple "sacred tree", as a "spirit" tree, it can communicate with "God", but also lead to the "ghost" field. Banyan tree worship is related to the local ghost worship in Hainan and also related to the traditional Chinese tree worship, which is a manifestation of the Hainan immigrant culture. The study of banyan tree worship culture in Hainan and the investigation of folk tree belief in Hainan is not only an extension of the study of China's natural belief, but also an expansion of the study of Hainan's regional culture. The banyan tree worship in Hainan is a repositioning and shaping of the local ancient ghost worship and the traditional Chinese tree worship in the immigrant environment in Hainan.


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How to cite this paper

Soul of Banyan Tree: A Study on the Folk Culture of Banyan Tree Worship in Hainan

How to cite this paper: Fengde Huo, Xiaomei Chen. (2024) Soul of Banyan Tree: A Study on the Folk Culture of Banyan Tree Worship in Hainan. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(3), 697-700.