Yunan Wang
College of Marine Law and Humanities, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, Liaoning, China.
*Corresponding author: Yunan Wang
Cyber attacks by non-state actors have also become a significant source of risk that threatens the cybersecurity of countries and even the stability of international peace. This has become an unavoidable challenge for the development of the Internet in various countries. Due to the characteristics of the Internet, which make it difficult to trace back and determine responsibility for cyber attacks, countries can utilize non-state actors to launch cyber attacks to evade state responsibility. However, the existing rules of attribution in the application of non-state actors' cyberattacks are subject to certain restrictions. The application of the principle of prudence can, to a certain extent, compensate for the attribution standard in exceptional situations. The study on attributing state responsibility for cyber attacks by non-state actors will not only help clarify how to regulate non-state actors in cyberspace under international law but also promote the development of international law in cyberspace and offer a solution for China's response.
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How to cite this paper
Research on Attribution of State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks by Non-state Actors
How to cite this paper: Yunan Wang. (2024) Research on Attribution of State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks by Non-state Actors. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(3), 701-704.