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Research on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in China

Zixuan Shi

Sussex Business School, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK.

*Corresponding author:Zixuan Shi

Published: April 26,2024


In 2015, the United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a comprehensive global political framework to address humanity's most pressing socio-environmental challenges. The growing energy crisis, the destruction of natural resources and the planet, and the intricate relationship between these crises can cause significant risks. In response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Chinese government has responded positively by implementing sustainable development initiatives on some policy and economic fronts. Although China began working on environmental protection in 1970, it has mainly focused on pollution control, and the figures show a steady increase in China's investment in pollution control. In the face of the current severe form of the environment and a relatively weak policy system, it is crucial to adopt and adapt sensible measures and actions to address the enormous challenges. This study is based on the China published China's Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set out by the United Nations in 2015. This research will address China's problems in achieving SDG 12: Ensure SDG consumption and production patterns by applying a framework of innovative policy instruments. It also makes specific governance recommendations for Goal SDG 12.6.


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How to cite this paper

Research on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in China

How to cite this paper: Zixuan Shi(2024) Research on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in China. OAJRC Environmental Science5(1), 22-27.