Arabic grammar is divided into two categories: jumlah
Ismiyah and jumlah
Fi’liyah which are the most
important thing to be mastered by students. However, students are not
accustomed using media when learning process that makes students feel bored in
learning Arabic. So, the researcher offered grammar
cube in learning Arabic as an alternative media to teach students. This study
was experimental research which aimed to find out the effect of using grammar
cube in learning Arabic to master students’ jumlah
Ismiyah and jumlah
Fi’liyah at Islamic Junior High
School Darul Huda Sipungguk Kampar Regency, Indonesia. This experimental research starts from design the
step of learning, implementation, observation, and test. Based on the data
analysis, it can be concluded that the use of grammar cube in
learning Arabic effected on mastering students’ jumlahIsmiyah and jumlah Fi’liyah at Islamic Junior High
School Darul Huda Sipungguk Kampar Regency, Indonesia. The result showed the
score of To = 2.83 is higher than Tt on standard 1% = 2.76 and 5% = 2.04. It
means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, there was a significant effect of
using grammar cube on students’ jumlah Ismiyah and jumlah
Fi’liyah. By conducting this
research, the researcher hopes Arabic teachers can teach grammar by using this
media in order to increase students’ interest in learning Arabic.
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How to cite this paper
Grammar Cube Strategy: The Newest Alternative Media to Learn Arabic Grammar for Beginner in Indonesia
How to cite this paper: Uril Bahruddin, Annuar Gunawan, Langgeng Budianto. (2020). Grammar Cube Strategy: The Newest Alternative Media to Learn Arabic Grammar for Beginner in Indonesia. The Educational Review, USA, 4(4), 93-100.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2020.04.001