Weizhong Jiang
Students' Affairs Office, Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
*Corresponding author: Weizhong Jiang
With the demand and call of the country, innovation entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities becomes more and more valued and related education and guidance is gradually popularized. Under this situation, it is generally accepted by the society that college students drop out of school to start a business, and the number is increasing. But college student entrepreneurship will face various problems, which is full of uncertainty. Most of the students who drop out of school for entrepreneurship may choose dropout rehabilitation to continue their schooling in a year or two years. This batch of students is a new group which needs attention after their rehabilitation in colleges and universities. How to do the management of the batch of students needs attention. This paper analyzes several aspects such as the historical background of college students' entrepreneurship, problems and strategies of dropout rehabilitation of students suspending courses to do business and other aspects, hoping to provide reference to related administrators of universities or related researchers.
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How to cite this paper
Existing Problems after Dropout Rehabilitation of Entrepreneurship Suspension of Students and Study on Related Management Mechanism
How to cite this paper: Weizhong Jiang. (2017). Existing Problems after Dropout Rehabilitation of Entrepreneurship Suspension of Students and Study on Related Management Mechanism. The Educational Review, USA, 1(3), 77-84.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2017.03.005