
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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The Structuring and Good Governance of the Pulses Sector in Morocco: Results from an e-Delphi Survey

Larbi Toumi1,*, Mohamed El Amrani2, Abdelkader Ait El Mekki2, Rachid Harbouze1, Aziz Fadlaoui3

1Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.

2National School of Agriculture of Meknes, Meknès, Morocco.

3National Institute of Agronomic Research, Meknès, Morocco.

*Corresponding author: Larbi Toumi

Published: June 3,2020


This paper aimed to identify potential proposals contributing to the structuring of the Moroccan’s pulses sector and improving its governance for food security purposes by examining the issues and key constraints affecting its entire value chain and its future in the next decade. The data were collected from an e-Delphi questionnaire which consisted of 40 proposals submitted to experts and administered in two rounds. The DELPHI method used aimed to reach the  consensus of 26 experts selected among the value chain actors of this sector based on a Likert measurement scale. An analysis of the experts’ comments was also used. Findings show 19 new proposals suggested in the first round and added in the second round. Consensus was reached on 39 proposals contributing to the structuring of the sector and on seven proposals aimed at improving its governance. However, the analysis of experts comments on the future of the sector revealed controversial opinions and did not make it possible to establish scenarios for changes in terms of the share of pulses in crop rotation, the potential for increasing areas, national production and marketing. Such results highlight the need for collective thinking between actors to lay the foundations for a common strategic vision of the sector and its implementation based on good governance that advocates coordination, information sharing, transparency and partnership between the actors upstream and downstream of the sector.


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How to cite this paper

The Structuring and Good Governance of the Pulses Sector in Morocco: Results from an e-Delphi Survey

How to cite this paper: Larbi Toumi, Mohamed El Amrani, Abdelkader Ait El Mekki, Rachid Harbouze, Aziz Fadlaoui. (2020) The Structuring and Good Governance of the Pulses Sector in Morocco: Results from an e-Delphi Survey. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(2), 191-202.