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Research on Longitudinal Damper Mitigation Measures for Super Kilometer-scale Cable-stayed Bridges

Laixu Li, Gao Zhang*, Yating Cao, Jie Liu

School of Environment and Civil Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Gao Zhang

Published: May 9,2024


In this paper, a super kilometer-scale cable-stayed bridge was used as the research background. A nonlinear time-history analysis method was employed to study the seismic mitigation measures of installing longitudinal dampers between the main tower and the main girder. The influence of various damper parameters on the seismic response of the structure was analyzed, and a set of appropriate damper parameters was determined. The research findings demonstrated that the installation of longitudinal dampers can effectively reduce the seismic response of large-span cable-stayed bridges. The selection of damper parameters should consider the variation patterns of internal forces and displacements of the main structural components under seismic loading. Parameter optimization analysis was conducted based on the desired goals to achieve the intended seismic mitigation effect.


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How to cite this paper

Research on Longitudinal Damper Mitigation Measures for Super Kilometer-scale Cable-stayed Bridges

How to cite this paper: Laixu Li, Gao Zhang, Yating Cao, Jie Liu. (2024). Research on Longitudinal Damper Mitigation Measures for Super Kilometer-scale Cable-stayed Bridges. Engineering Advances4(2), 77-81.