
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Masculinity of Rosalind in As You Like It: A Reversal of Gender Role

Ramesh Prasad Adhikary

Tribhuwan University (M. M. Campus), Nepalgunj, Nepal.

*Corresponding author: Ramesh Prasad Adhikary

Published: June 9,2020


This research has been conducted to examine Shakespeare’s comedy As You Like It  from the perspective of gender study. The voice against the strict codes, conducts and stereotypical role that are imposed on women in a patriarchal society can be seen in the play. For the analysis of the text the ideas of feminism have been used as the methodological tool to interpret it. In the play, Rosalind disguised as Ganymede, Phoebe falls hopelessly in love with Ganymede. Orlando fails to show up for his tutorial with Ganymede. Rosalind, reacting to her infatuation with Orlando, is distraught until Oliver appears. Oliver describes how Orlando stumbled upon him in the forest and saved him from being devoured by a hungry lioness. Oliver and Celia, still disguised as the shepherdess Aliena, fall instantly in love and agree to marry. The conclusion of this thesis is masculinity and feminity; are not the opposites but it is correlated. As a qualitative research, this researcher has taken the play as a primary text and it is analyzed by using gender theory and feminist  perspective as a tool to interpret it.


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How to cite this paper

Masculinity of Rosalind in As You Like It: A Reversal of Gender Role

How to cite this paper: Ramesh Prasad Adhikary. (2020) Masculinity of Rosalind in As You Like It: A Reversal of Gender Role. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(1), 48-56.