
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Clinical Prevalence of Diseases and Disorders in Buffaloes at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal

B. Regmi 1,*, I. Dhakal 2, D. Chetri 3, M. K. Shah 4

1 Veterinary Laboratory, Pokhara, Nepal.

2 Army Equine Breeding Center, Chitwan, Nepal.

3 Director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, AFU, Nepal.

3 Department of Surgery & Pharmacology AFU, Nepal.

*Corresponding author: B. Regmi, Army Equine Breeding Center, Chitwan, Nepal.

Published: June 11,2020


A retrospective study was undertaken to determine the occurrence and distribution of diseases in buffaloes based on breed, sex, system affected, diseases type and seasonal variation from the record book of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Agriculture and Forestry University from July 2012 to July 2017. A total of 712 buffaloes cases were presented in five years duration, of which 99% were Murrah crosses followed by local breeds. The cases were categorized on the basis of age group namely yearlings, heifer, adult and senile with the diseases distribution of 5%, 23%, 62% and 10% respectively. Out of the total cases, 86% were medical followed by 12% gynecological and 2% surgical. Parasitic infestation (61.92%) and mastitis (10.32%) were the major medical  problems, while the anestrous was the predominant gynecological problems. Surgical cases were remarkably negligible and most were wound related problems. In the fecal examination, 83% were positive for parasitic infestation such as Nematodiasis (44%), Paramphistomisiasis (35%), Protozoan (10%), Moneiziasis (6%) and Fascioliasis (5%). In the hospital, the milk samples positive on California Mastitis Test (CMT) were recommended for bacterial  culture and antibiotic sensitivity test. The cultural report revealed that 85%  mastitis was caused by coliform bacteria and 12% mastitis was due to staphylococcal bacteria. The mastitis cases were predominantly higher in the first and third parity. The highly sensitive antibiotics based on antibiotic sensitivity test were gentamicin (33%), ciprofloxacin (31%) and tetracycline (16%) respectively. Outcome of this study could be insightful for outlining the appropriate disease control and management strategies around the university vicinity.


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How to cite this paper

Clinical Prevalence of Diseases and Disorders in Buffaloes at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal

How to cite this paper: B. Regmi, I. Dhakal, D. Chetri, M. K. Shah. (2020) Clinical Prevalence of Diseases and Disorders in Buffaloes at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(2), 203-210.