Each time a woman stands up
for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it possibly, she
stands up for every woman. Because feminism is not about showing that women are
powerful. They are already powerful. Feminism is the way to change the perspective of the
world how they perceive us to be. Nowadays, there is a common
word “women empowerment”. What is women’s empowerment all about? Is there any rigid theory to
empower them? There is a day called
“International Women’s Day”. In this day, men post good things in social media about their
wife, daughter, girlfriend etc. Among those men, some of them celebrate women’s
day every day and some of them just post on that day in social media. Some of
them help their ladies in every way possible and some of them rebuke their
women if they cannot make their dinner properly for their illness. No, it is
not always about the male chauvinists who engulf women’s lives. Sometimes, it is they who make
wrong choices and suffer. It is very likely to consider someone as culprit but
it is very hard to understand and rectify their own mistakes. There have been
ups and downs. There have been hurdles and pebbles. Some of them have continued
their fight. Some of them could not fight because they did not have that courage.
This paper would like to review their struggle from past to present to seek the
way how justice is delivered. And the quest is on.
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How to cite this paper
Subalternity and Insecurity of the Indian Womenfolk Who Have Always Been Marked as Etcetera...
How to cite this paper: Soumita Nath. (2020). Subalternity and Insecurity of the Indian Womenfolk Who Have Always Been Marked as Etcetera.... The Educational Review, USA, 4(6), 120-127.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2020.06.001