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Recent Research About the Immune Cells in the Ovary

Shuting Chen1,#, Qinlan Li1,#, Chengxu Zhang1, Xiaohang Liu1, Jiaxing Zhang1, Siyu Zong1, Donghui Huang1, Hu Zhao2,*

1Institute of Reproduction Health Research, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

2Department of Human Anatomy, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

#Both authors contributed equally to this manuscript.

*Corresponding author: Hu Zhao

Published: May 27,2024


The ovary is a unique female reproductive organ, and its physiological processes include follicle development, maturation, ovulation, luteinization, and closure. The ovaries contain various types of immune cells, such as macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, NK cells, eosinophils, and mast cells. These immune cells play various roles in different physiological processes in the ovaries. Without the immune cells in the environment, ovarian physiological processes cannot proceed normally and orderly. For example, macrophages play a key role in maintaining ovarian vascular integrity and undergo positional migration and quantitative changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Mast cells can facilitate follicle development. In this paper, we reviewed the immune cells in the ovaries and their roles in ovarian physiology to offer additional insights into understanding the physiological functions of the ovaries from an immune perspective. This information is also important for explaining the etiology of ovarian diseases of unknown cause and the related immunotherapy.


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How to cite this paper

Recent Research About the Immune Cells in the Ovary

How to cite this paper: Shuting Chen, Qinlan Li, Chengxu Zhang, Xiaohang Liu, Jiaxing Zhang, Siyu Zong, Donghui Huang, Hu Zhao. (2024) Recent Research About the Immune Cells in the Ovary. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research8(2), 314-324.