
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Agro-Based Sensor’s Deployment for Environmental Anticipation: An Experimental Effort for Minimal Usage of Water within Agricultural Practices

Abhishek Khanna

Research Scholar, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab 147004, India.

*Corresponding author: Abhishek Khanna

Published: July 14,2020


Agriculture plays an imperative role in the financial development of a country and provides the main source of income, food, employment specifically to the rural sector. In India, around 80% of the population is dependent upon agriculture as it is the primary source of income. Farmers make use of water for irrigation purpose and do not estimate its precise requirement. However, in reality, the requirement of water content is comparatively much lower than the one that is utilized. The irrigation system across the world can be more efficient if incorporation of automated systems is introduced, in order to estimate the precise amount of water requirement among fields. Hence, in order to overcome the concern of making minimal use of water for irrigation, Agro Based Decision Support System (AbDSS) has been proposed in the article. The proposed framework is proficient enough to help farmers correctly identify the precise need for water by their respective farms. The framework incorporates various agricultural sensors, i.e., soil moisture sensor, soil temperature sensor, and soil humidity sensor along with a computational cloud server, i.e., ThingSpeak. The proposed framework not only provides remote access for obtaining current farm parameters without being physically present at the site, reduces much of human energy, and results in increased efficiency. In addition, the water supply can be controlled remotely using the interface by making use of an electric valve and a relay installed on the nozzle.


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How to cite this paper

Agro-Based Sensor's Deployment for Environmental Anticipation: An Experimental Effort for Minimal Usage of Water within Agricultural Practices

How to cite this paper: Abhishek Khanna. (2020) Agro-Based Sensor's Deployment for Environmental Anticipation: An Experimental Effort for Minimal Usage of Water within Agricultural Practices. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(3), 219-236.