
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Birth Asphyxia in South Indian Newborns—Part I

Grace Lalana Christopher

Grace Specialist Clinic, #6, 1st Floor, Maruthi Complex, Ramamurthy Nagar Main Road, Bangalore 560016, South India.

*Corresponding author: Grace Lalana Christopher

Published: July 23,2020


Birth asphyxia is the leading cause of preventable proportion of neonatal morbidity and mortality, has a high incidence in many Asian countries. The objective of the study was to determine the incidence and influence of various antepartum, intrapartum and neonatal risk factors associated with birth asphyxia in Ethnic Asian-South Indian newborns and to formulate appropriate Asian guideline as preventive strategy. The study comprised of 2,750 consecutive singleton live births, with 583 “Cases” of birth asphyxia and 2,167 “Controls” without asphyxia. Analysis was done using SPSS Version 21 for various risk factors associated with birth asphyxia presented at different intensity levels as odds ratio (OR), mean difference (95% CI), number or percent (%) by binary logistic regression and statistical significance set at 0.05. Incidence of birth asphyxia was 21.2%, peak births of asphyxiated cases occurred at 39 weeks, contrasted to 38 weeks in controls. High risk factors included primigravida OR 1.1 [CI 95%] 0.89-1.29, pregnancy induced hypertension OR 1.37, [CI 95%] 0.92-2.04, P=0.0001, breech presentation OR 20.6 [CI95%] 4.5-94.3, P=0.0001, meconium staining of liquor OR 29 [CI 95%] 19.78-42.65, P=0.0001, oligohydraminos OR 29 [CI 95%] 19.78-42.65, P=0.0001 and cord abnormalities OR 2.9 [CI 95%] 2.18-3.88, P=0.0001. Most asphyxiated cases were delivered by emergency lower segment cesarean section OR 4.91 [CI 95%] 3.94-6.10, P=0.0001, while elective or planned LSCS had low risk of birth asphyxia, Neonatal factors include prematurity < 37 weeks OR 1.36 [CI 95%] 1.03-1.79, P=0.032 and Low Birth Weight (LBW) < 2500g OR 1.51 [CI 95%] 1.21-1.98, P=0.0001. Thus judicious intervention in high risk pregnancy with delivery at 38 weeks, preferably by planned section, obviating intrapartum events will result in reduction of birth asphyxia, thus improving quality of life in survivors.


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How to cite this paper

Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Birth Asphyxia in South Indian Newborns—Part I

How to cite this paper: Grace Lalana Christopher. (2020) Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Birth Asphyxia in South Indian Newborns—Part I. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research, 4(3), 83-92.