Pham Kim Phuong 1,2,*, Nguyễn thị Dung 3, Chu Pham Ngoc Son 4, Lưu Duẩn 1
1 Saigon Technique University—STU of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
2 Sai Gon Center of High-Tech Analysis, Viet Nam.
3 Institute of Chemical Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
4 Science-Technique Association of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
*Corresponding author: Pham Kim Phuong
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How to cite this paper
Bioaccumulation, Depuration of Heavy Metals (As, Cd, Pb) and Metabolism of These Metals in Body of Mussels (Maretrix Lyrata) During 20 Days in Artificial Media of Culture
How to cite this paper: Pham Kim Phuong, Nguyễn thị Dung, Chu Pham Ngoc Son, Lưu Duẩn. (2020) Bioaccumulation, Depuration of Heavy Metals (As, Cd, Pb) and Metabolism of These Metals in Body of Mussels (Maretrix Lyrata) During 20 Days in Artificial Media of Culture. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(3), 237-243.