
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Milk Bromatological Parameters of Different Goat Breeds of Goat Research Station, Bandipur, Nepal

N. Poudel 1,*, B. Poudel 1, N. Bhattarai 1, R. Kandel 2, A. Shrestha 2, S. Malla 2, B. Regmi3

1 Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan, Nepal.

2 Goat Research Station,Bandipur, Tanahu, Nepal.

3 Veterinary Laboratory, Pokhara, Nepal.

*Corresponding author: N. Poudel

Published: July 27,2020


A study was conducted in Goat Research Station, Bandipur to investigate the milk quality parameters of different genetic groups of goat. Out of 47 milk sam-ples, 11 samples were collected from pure Boar goat, 11 samples from pure Saa-nen goat, 23 samples from cross-breed of Khari with Boar and 2 samples from cross-breed of Khari with Saanen. 10 ml of milk sample was collected manually from each she-goat in a sterile plastic bottle early in the morning and analyzed by using ultrasonic milk analyzer (MILKOTESTER) for physiochemical parameters, including fat, protein, SNF, lactose, density, salt and freezing point. All the parameters were statistically analyzed by using general linear model and SPSS 16. P-value less than 0.05 (i.e. p<0.05) was considered as statistically significant. Among the evaluated milk parameters, fat, protein, salt and freezing point were found significantly different in comparisons with different breeds of goat. Protein, SNF, lactose, salt and freezing point were higher in pure Boar milk. While fat was found higher in the milk of Boar and Khari cross. Similarly, the density was found to be higher in the pure breed goat milk. These findings are important to consider in order to maintain the quality of different milk products.


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How to cite this paper

Milk Bromatological Parameters of Different Goat Breeds of Goat Research Station, Bandipur, Nepal

How to cite this paper: N. Poudel, B. Poudel, N. Bhattarai, R. Kandel, A. Shrestha, S. Malla, B. Regmi. (2020) Milk Bromatological Parameters of Different Goat Breeds of Goat Research Station, Bandipur, Nepal. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(3), 244-248.