
The Educational Review, USA

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Article Open Access

Design of Ergonomic Illumination Systems for Cultural, Medical, Educational Facilities

Nikolai Bogdanov *, Dmitry Zhdanov, Igor Potemin, Andrey Zhdanov

Visualization Technologies Department University ITMO Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

*Corresponding author: Nikolai Bogdanov

Published: December 18,2017


LED panels with light-guiding plates can be good substitution of traditional lighting fixtures in museums. They can provide high quality of comfortable general lighting at public places. This article describes design of LED light fixtures for cultural, medical, educational facilities, where applied strict requirements for illumination. Authors made optical design of round light-guide plate with microstructures, which is component of LED panel, and developed solution technology for producing light-guide plate by CO2laser machine-tool, and got sufficient results by comparing simulation model of light-guide plate and produced light-guide plate.


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How to cite this paper

Design of Ergonomic Illumination Systems for Cultural, Medical, Educational Facilities

How to cite this paper: Nikolai Bogdanov, Dmitry Zhdanov, Igor Potemin, Andrey Zhdanov. (2017). Design of Ergonomic Illumination Systems for Cultural, Medical, Educational Facilities. The Educational Review, USA1(4), 85-90.