
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Maize Seed Production Under Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques as a Response to Climate Change Effects

Blair Moses Kamanga 1,*, Thomas Mpiluwa 2, Courage Yaw Krah 2, Akeme Cyril Njume 2, Nadiya Iftiwata Rahmah 3

1 Department of Agriculture Research, Pesticides Control Board, Bvumbwe Agricultural Research Station, P.O. Box 51300, Limbe, Malawi.

2 Department of Mechanical and Biosystems Engineering, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.

3 Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.

*Corresponding author: Blair Moses Kamanga

Published: July 29,2020


Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the response of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) techniques to effects of climate change, i.e., dry spells on ma-ize seed production. The trials evaluated growth characteristics, yield, and seed quality parameters. CSA techniques such as minimum tillage with dead mulch, zero tillage with mulch, minimum tillage with roundup, pit planting, zero tillage with live cover and control (conventional farming) were laid off in RCBD with four replicates. Results indicated that CSA techniquessignificantly increased plant height, the number of leaves, leaf area, leaf area index, total dry matter accumulation, yield and yield components even though the cropping season was associated with prolonged dry spells. Maize seed grown under minimum tillage with dead mulch (maize stover as a cover) significantly increased production of maize seed with dry cob yield (8.92 ton ha-1), seed grain yield (4.45 ton ha-1), 1000-seeds weight (386.9g), and highest germination percentage, seed vigor in-dex and germination energy of 1,127 and 80.24%, respectively. Maize seed can be produced under climate-smart agriculture techniques and still maintain high seed quality than under conventional system.


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How to cite this paper

Maize Seed Production Under Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques as a Response to Climate Change Effects

How to cite this paper: Blair Moses Kamanga, Thomas Mpiluwa, Courage Yaw Krah, Akeme Cyril Njume, Nadiya Iftiwata Rahmah. (2020) Maize Seed Production Under Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques as a Response to Climate Change Effects. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(3), 249-255.