Article Open Access
New Aspects of the Teen Suicide
Oksana Chekstere*, Larysa Kondratenko, Lydia Manylova
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
*Corresponding author: Oksana Chekstere
Published: December 18,2017
In this article the problems of child and teen suicide were considered. Its characteristic features are revealed and analyzed. It is noted that the psychology of communication in this age is based on the contradictory interweaving of two needs: separation (privatization) and affiliation, that is, the need for belonging, inclusion in a particular group or community. First of all it concerns groups of the teenagers, united directly by the theme of suicide. The authors investigated the so-called "death groups" in social networks, where interest in suicide becomes not personal, but a group norm, while an attempt to commit suicide greatly increases group authority, where successful attempts are recognized within a group's feat. The authors draw attention to the false notions and myths that exist in the consciousness of many teenagers regarding suicides.
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How to cite this paper
New Aspects of the Teen Suicide
How to cite this paper: Oksana Chekstere, Larysa Kondratenko, Lydia Manylova. (2017). New Aspects of the Teen Suicide. The Educational Review, USA, 1(4), 91-93.