
The Educational Review, USA

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Melody of Functions and Graphs: Improving Senior Secondary Mathematics Students’ Understanding of the Function Concept by Active Integration of Mathematics and Music

István Nagy *, John Malone

Curtin University, Australia.

*Corresponding author: István Nagy

Published: August 20,2020


This paper describes a study involving the active integration of mathematics and music applied to the process of senior secondary students’ understanding of the function concept. The study has used the frame of the post-positivist paradigm, quasi-experimental research design, multiple research methods, experimental- and control-groups, pre-tests and post-tests. The study has considered nine au-thor-developed analogies between mathematics and music as tools to improve students’ understanding of the function concept. The findings suggest that this type of active integration of mathematics and music makes a statistically significant difference in students’ understanding of function.


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How to cite this paper

Melody of Functions and Graphs: Improving Senior Secondary Mathematics Students' Understanding of the Function Concept by Active Integration of Mathematics and Music

How to cite this paper: István Nagy, John Malone. (2020). Melody of Functions and Graphs: Improving Senior Secondary Mathematics Students' Understanding of the Function Concept by Active Integration of Mathematics and Music. The Educational Review, USA, 4(8), 157-165.