
The Educational Review, USA

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Why Do They Choose to Stay? Career Choice of Publicly Funded Male Kindergarten Teachers in Jiangsu Province, China

Dandan Wang

School of Early-childhood Education, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 210017, Jiangsu, China.

*Corresponding author: Dandan Wang

Published: August 7,2024


This study explores the career choices of five male kindergarten teachers whose contracts are about to expire in a publicly funded male kindergarten teacher project. The publicly funded male kindergarten teacher project is implemented by the Jiangsu Provincial Government in China. The purpose of the project is to increase the number of male kindergarten teachers and alleviate the gender segregation of kindergarten teachers. The policy requires male kindergarten teachers to return to their hometown to work in kindergartens for five years, after which they can freely choose careers. Through interviews with five teachers, this study found that the first career choice of public-funded male kindergarten teachers is influenced by job security and family members' wishes; the second career choice is the joint effect of career development, emotional motivation, and gender roles. The research results show that in order to improve the retention rate of male kindergarten teachers, a more equal gender culture and diverse gender evaluation standards are needed.


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How to cite this paper

Why Do They Choose to Stay? Career Choice of Publicly Funded Male Kindergarten Teachers in Jiangsu Province, China

How to cite this paper: Dandan Wang. (2024). Why Do They Choose to Stay? Career Choice of Publicly Funded Male Kindergarten Teachers in Jiangsu Province, China.The Educational Review, USA8(7), 938-943.