
The Educational Review, USA

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International Comparative Study on Computational Thinking Education in K-12

Yang Xing 1,*, Yan Zhang 2

1 Department of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

2 Department of Education, Hebei University, Baoding, China.

*Corresponding author: Yang Xing

Published: August 26,2020


As a new product of the computing age, computational thinking is considered to be a thinking method and strategy by using computational tools and methods to solve problems. It has the potential to play a vital role in the overall and lifelong development of everyone. In recent years, computational thinking education has gradually approached the horizons of educational researchers. However, the development of research and practice are still in the early stage. The questions such as unclear research objectives, not extensive research levels and not deep research issues are gradually revealed. What and how to teach become a huge problem for frontline teachers. In order to find out strategic measures to solve practical problems, we selected USA, England, Lithuania, France and China as the research object. Each country has its own plan to develop CT at the K-12 stage. With the focus on CT education, the purpose of this paper is to compare and discuss the representative development path through the lens of international perspectives and cultural contexts to provide a general framework of CT education across the globe. We divide the whole framework into three parts: production, learning, and research. And we describe the framework as a tree, and the branches represent the dimensions, consisting of five parts: policy-making, non-profit organization, industry promotion, teacher training, course implementation. Each dimension is related to each other and echoes each other to form a large whole system. The root of the tree represents the needs of students, indicates that all the dimensions are to serve for students. The aim is to develop computational thinking, logical thinking, digital competences of the students who need to prepare for the digital world.


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How to cite this paper

International Comparative Study on Computational Thinking Education in K-12

How to cite this paper: Yang Xing, Yan Zhang. (2020). International Comparative Study on Computational Thinking Education in K-12. The Educational Review, USA, 4(8), 166-175.