
The Educational Review, USA

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Rethinking the Challenges Faced by the Quality Assurance System in Chinese Higher Education from the Perspective of Quality Culture

Yang Yang

Eötvös Loránd University, 1053 Budapest, Hungary.

*Corresponding author: Yang Yang

Published: August 26,2024


This paper primarily discusses the challenges facing China's higher education quality assurance system, reexamining it from the perspective of quality culture. The article highlights that current assessment practices often focus solely on classroom teaching quality, neglecting broader factors such as curriculum coherence and student engagement. Additionally, the paper explores the concept of quality culture in higher education, emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture of diversity and innovation to enhance teaching quality. Furthermore, it identifies existing issues, including the ambiguity of quality assessment standards, unclear responsibilities of management departments, and the uniformity of top-level design. The paper underscores the central role of quality culture in higher education quality assurance and calls for universities to prioritize long-term investments in quality through policy guidance and resource allocation, aiming to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of higher education.


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How to cite this paper

Rethinking the Challenges Faced by the Quality Assurance System in Chinese Higher Education from the Perspective of Quality Culture

How to cite this paper: Yang Yang. (2024). Rethinking the Challenges Faced by the Quality Assurance System in Chinese Higher Education from the Perspective of Quality CultureThe Educational Review, USA8(8), 1015-1022.