
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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On the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of China’s Civil Litigation Reconciliation System

Meng Yao

Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China.

*Corresponding author: Meng Yao

Published: September 4,2024


As a crucial mechanism for resolving civil disputes, the civil litigation settlement system plays a significant role in conserving judicial resources and facilitating the resolution of conflicts. However, the lack of clear legal definitions regarding the nature, characteristics, and effects of civil litigation settlements has led to various practical challenges. These challenges include inconsistent identification of the nature of civil litigation settlement agreements, difficulties in their implementation, and instances of non-compliance by obligors after signing such agreements. To address these issues, this analysis examines potential problems that may arise in practice while integrating relevant theories from civil law jurisdictions concerning the concept and validity of civil litigation settlements. Additionally, it considers the existing legal provisions in our country. The aim is to clarify the concept of civil litigation settlements through legislation, establish a framework for recognizing their validity, and create a supportive mechanism for the enforcement of settlement agreements. This approach will provide actionable recommendations to resolve the identified challenges.


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How to cite this paper

On the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of China's Civil Litigation Reconciliation System

How to cite this paper: Meng Yao. (2024) On the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of China's Civil Litigation Reconciliation System. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(8), 1894-1901.