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Current Scenario on the Impact of Microplastics on the Environment, Marine, and Humans

Rugved B. Parmar1, Parth H. Agrawal2, Tesfaye Rebuma3, Mahendra Pal4,*

1B. J. Medical College, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

2Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary College, Kamdhenu University, Anand, Gujarat, India.

3Shaggar City Administration, Sebeta Sub-city Administration Agricultural Office, Sebeta, Oromia, Ethiopia.

4Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.

*Corresponding author:Mahendra Pal

Published: September 13,2024


Microplastics pose a significant environmental and health challenge, originating from the degradation of larger plastics and the intentional incorporation of microbeads in products such as personal care items. These minuscule particles, measuring less than 5 mm in diameter, have permeated ecosystems worldwide, from the polar ice caps to the deepest oceanic trenches, presenting serious risks to both marine and terrestrial organisms, as well as human health. Microplastics not only transport harmful pollutants but also inflict direct physical harm on wildlife and are associated with chronic health issues in humans, including inflammation, oxidative stress, and cancer. This review offers a comprehensive analysis of microplastics, detailing their sources, classifications, and pervasive presence, while exploring their impacts on various ecosystems. It emphasizes the urgent need for a multifaceted approach that encompasses individual actions, community initiatives, and technological advancements.


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How to cite this paper

Current Scenario on the Impact of Microplastics on the Environment, Marine, and Humans

How to cite this paper: Rugved B. Parmar, Parth H. Agrawal, Tesfaye Rebuma, Mahendra Pal(2024) Current Scenario on the Impact of Microplastics on the Environment, Marine, and Humans. OAJRC Environmental Science5(2), 34-38.