International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Cluster Based Pre-Scaling Up of Improved Irish Potato Variety at Highland Districts of Guji Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia

Korji Dembi *, Kebede Basha, Amare Girma

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO), Bore Agricultural Research Center, P.O. BOX 21, Bore, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Korji Dembi

Published: September 25,2020


Irish potato of Gudane variety was proved to be yielder and disease tolerant than any Irish potato varieties which were demonstrated at the study areas. Therefore, cluster based pre scaling up of Irish potato was conducted at two districts of Guji Zone, Bore and Ana Sora in 2019. The main objective of the study was to promote improved Irish potato variety and thereby increase production and productivity and income of the farmers in the study areas and similar agro-ecologies. One peasant association per district was selected based on their potential to produce Irish potato. FREG approach was followed to implement pre scaling up process. Consequently, 12 farmers of gender inclusive were clustered as FREG at each trial sites owing three hectares of land, each farmer contributing 0.25 hectare. In total, 24 farmers (17 male & 7 female were benefited scaling up). Training was given for farmers, Development agents, subject matter specialists and different stakeholders. Recommended seed and fertilizer rates, row between space and plant were used with all management practices. Diffused Light Storages were constructed at both study sites. Joint monitoring and evaluation were organized and undertaken. Field day was also organized on which different stakeholders participated and experience shared. Quantitative data such as yield were collected and analysed using SPSS whereas farmers’ feedback were analysed qualitatively. A mean yield of 14.9 tons ha-1 obtained. The technology has paramount importance in improving livelihood of farmers as more yield could be harvested. Hence, Bureaus of Agriculture and Natural Resource of respective districts should hand over to sustain the technology and reach more number of farmers over wider geographical areas of similar agro ecologies. Securing agro chemicals in advance, early planting and construction of Diffused Light Storage are highly recommended.


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How to cite this paper

Cluster Based Pre-Scaling Up of Improved Irish Potato Variety at Highland Districts of Guji Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Korji Dembi, Kebede Basha, Amare Girma. (2020) Cluster Based Pre-Scaling Up of Improved Irish Potato Variety at Highland Districts of Guji Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(3), 323-329.