
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Determinants of Age at First Birth of Bangladeshi Women: A Multivariate Approach on DHS 2014 Data

Shanjida Chowdhury 1, Mahfujur Rahman 2, Nurul Mohammad Zayed 3,*, Shahiduzzaman Khan Shahi 3

1 Department of General Educational Development, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.

2 Comilla University Kotbari, Cumilla-3506, Bangladesh.

3 Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Published: October 23,2020


First birth is a step towards a woman’s motherhood, and is one of the important indicators of maternal health. It also has an influence on fertility. This paper fo-cuses on evaluating the important factors that is responsible for age of 1st birth for ever-married females in Bangladesh. In this study, multivariate techniques have been employed to examine the factors that are responsible for the participant’s age at 1st birth using BDHS-2014 data. The findings indicate that consciousness factor, fertility factor, family planning factor, and occupational factor are a major influence of the age at 1st birth. The study also used discriminant analysis which shows that 70.1% of total outcome were appropriately categorized in line with factor scores derived from factor analysis. Findings indicate that: there is a dynamic framework for first childbearing decision-making, along with a couple’s understanding of population development, fertility, couple's level of schooling, and mother’s engagement in the workforce. This study enables researchers to estimate future policy implications and fertility behavior, particularly in developing countries such as Bangladesh.


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How to cite this paper

Determinants of Age at First Birth of Bangladeshi Women: A Multivariate Approach on DHS 2014 Data

How to cite this paper: Shanjida Chowdhury, Mahfujur Rahman, Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Shahiduzzaman Khan Shahi. (2020) Determinants of Age at First Birth of Bangladeshi Women: A Multivariate Approach on DHS 2014 Data. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(2), 118-125.