
The Educational Review, USA

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Education in the Era of COVID-19: Innovative Solutions to Real Challenges

Maharaj-Landaeta Sunita

University of Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago.

*Corresponding author: Maharaj-Landaeta Sunita

Published: November 17,2020


The COVID-19 outbreak has caused serious concerns to global education sys-tems. Efforts to contain COVID-19 prompted unscheduled closure of schools in over 190 countries worldwide, leaving nearly 1.6 billion learners without concrete alternative schooling options. The study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on education from the lenses of teachers, students and parents. Data was collected through surveys and virtual focus group sessions administered to 150 respondents, from Trinidad & Tobago, and Venezuelan and Cuban migrants. The results of the qualitative research show that COVID-19 has had adverse effects on education including, learning disruptions, and decreased access to education facilities and teaching and learning resources. The findings also show that the education world has become heavily reliant on technology to ensure continued learning online during the pandemic. However, online education is shown to be hindered by poor infrastructures including, network, power, inaccessibility and unavailability issues, compounded by poor digital skills. The study underscores the damaging effects of COVID-19 on education sector and the need for all educational institutions, educators, and learners to adopt technology, and improve their digital skills in line with the emerging global trends and realities in education.


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How to cite this paper

Education in the Era of COVID-19: Innovative Solutions to Real Challenges

How to cite this paper: Maharaj-Landaeta Sunita. (2020). Education in the Era of COVID-19: Innovative Solutions to Real Challenges. The Educational Review, USA, 4(11), 193-198.