
The Educational Review, USA

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Innovation Talent Development: The China Experience in the Development of Graduate Student Financial Aid System

Lixing Zhao, Suyu Chang*

Education & Liberal Studies, City University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 50450, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: Suyu Chang

Published: December 9,2024


This research provides an in-depth analysis of how China developed its innovation talents from the turbulent period following the founding of the PRC to the present time. The study looks at the transformative changes in its educational policies which were pivotal in China's effort to cultivate innovation talents. The core question for the study was, "How does China cultivate innovative talents with a postgraduate funding policy?" While most studies have been done on China's education and its impact in this regard, these studies have mainly been conducted on the broader aspects of China's educational development. There is a lack of study on the financial aid program employed to drive that innovation development. This study addresses that gap. It offers insights that can serve as frameworks for societies to build upon for their own innovation development or improvements. The adaptability of these frameworks for other societies can be topics of future studies. The study also looks at the sustainability of the system, given the overheating of graduates entering the job market, and suggests some policy modifications to address this issue.


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How to cite this paper

Innovation Talent Development: The China Experience in the Development of Graduate Student Financial Aid System

How to cite this paper: Lixing Zhao, Suyu Chang. (2024). Innovation Talent Development: The China Experience in the Development of Graduate Student Financial Aid SystemThe Educational Review, USA8(11), 1347-1352.