
The Educational Review, USA

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Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation in Higher Education Institutions

Bo Liu

Xi'an Aeronautical Institute, Xi'an 710077, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Bo Liu

Published: December 9,2024


Strategic planning and resource allocation are essential components that underpin the success and ensure the long-term sustainability of higher education institutions. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing academic environment, universities and colleges are confronted with a multitude of challenges, including the growing diversity of their student populations, a reduction in public funding, and escalating operational expenses. Strategic planning serves as a critical tool that allows these institutions to clearly define their objectives, establish priorities among their various initiatives, and allocate their resources in a manner that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness. However, a significant number of universities grapple with the task of aligning their available resources with their strategic goals, which can result in inefficiencies and potential missed opportunities for institutional growth and development. This paper delves into the intricate relationship between strategic planning and resource allocation, underscoring their pivotal role in fostering institutional efficiency and securing enduring sustainability. Through an in-depth examination of case studies from Rongo University and Sakarya University, the research aims to illuminate the challenges that higher education institutions encounter in the realms of strategic planning and resource allocation. Furthermore, it seeks to offer viable solutions and high-light best practices that can guide other institutions in navigating these complex processes more effectively. By doing so, the paper aims to provide valuable insights and practical strategies that can help educational institutions not only survive but thrive in an increasingly competitive and dynamic academic landscape.


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How to cite this paper

Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation in Higher Education Institutions

How to cite this paper: Bo Liu. (2024). Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation in Higher Education InstitutionsThe Educational Review, USA8(11), 1359-1364.