
The Educational Review, USA

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Cognitive and Heuristic Modeling of Reality, Developing Innovative Thinking: A Semiotic Approach to Training an Individual

Valeriy Mygal1, Galyna Mygal2,*, Stanislav Mygal3

1Department of Physics, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv 61000, Ukraine.

2Department of Transport Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv 79000, Ukraine.

3Department of Design, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv 79057, Ukraine.

*Corresponding author: Galyna Mygal

Published: December 13,2024


The article is devoted to the development of ideas and methods for individualization of training based on the complementarity and interrelation of the structures of cognitive and heuristic metamodels of hybrid reality, including the human brain. Digitalization of science, education, and technology has increased the complexity of spatio-temporal relationships, the virtuality of which has created new challenges to the quality of education, mental health, and technogenic safety. Based on the evolution of ideas, paradigms, and methods for studying physical and virtual reality, the structural-functional approach to the transformation of experiential learning cycles according to D. Kolb is developing. Based on the semiotic paradigm of cognition, integrative methodology for studying complex dynamic systems, and criteria for assessing creative activity, the structural-functional approach to metamodeling of a hybrid subject environment is developing. The author's cognitive 3M-metamodel (metathinking, metacognition, and metaphor) and the author's heuristic 3S-metamodel (self-knowledge, self-regulation, and self-reflection) are presented. Interrelation and complementarity of 3M and 3S metamodels contribute to synergy, emergence, and harmony, which are aimed at the formation of an individual's metathinking in the process of learning from experience using GenAI.


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How to cite this paper

Cognitive and Heuristic Modeling of Reality, Developing Innovative Thinking: A Semiotic Approach to Training an Individual

How to cite this paper: Valeriy Mygal, Galyna Mygal, Stanislav Mygal. (2024). Cognitive and Heuristic Modeling of Reality, Developing Innovative Thinking: A Semiotic Approach to Training an IndividualThe Educational Review, USA8(11), 1379-1392.