
The Educational Review, USA

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Improving Communicative Competence through Social Interaction: A Service-Learning Methodology

M. T. Fuertes 1, C. Balaguer 1, M. Y. Fernández 2, M. Fernández-Morill 1,*

1 Department of Education, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

2 Department of Social Sciences, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, Valladolid, Spain.

*Corresponding author: M. Fernández-Morilla

Published: November 18,2020


This paper shows an example in which Service-Learning (SL) methodology al-lows to satisfy a demand made by the community that coincides with a require-ment of student learning; a teaching model is shown in contexts that encourage meaningful social and real interaction for oral communication. This study presents a SL experience among 19 university students and 163 high school stu-dents. Through peer learning strategies higher education students help high school students of vulnerable contexts succeed. Through the Communication Project, university volunteers prepare training workshops to improve the oral communicative competence in English and Catalan of high school students to help them in their final work defenses. The goal is to measure the impact that SL benefits have on all students’ evaluations and perceptions of their respective learning processes. The aim of this paper is to discuss the value of ser-vice-learning to students because there currently exists a gap in this understand-ing. The mixed-methods research using a sample of higher education students to develop this discussion is applied. The data obtained through a questionnaire before and after the intervention showed a statistically significant improvement of self-perceived oral communication in both languages. Also, after the work-shop, SL students reported significant changes connected to a concept of learning that included self-confidence, leadership ability, and responsibility.


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How to cite this paper

Improving Communicative Competence through Social Interaction: A Service-Learning Methodology

How to cite this paper: M. T. Fuertes, C. Balaguer, M. Y. Fernández, M. Fernández-Morilla. (2020). Improving Communicative Competence through Social Interaction: A Service-Learning Methodology. The Educational Review, USA, 4(11), 199-210.