
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

Erratum:The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance

Manfang Lyu

1Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbaatar 15140, Mongolia.

2Tianjin College of Media & Arts, Tianjin 301925, China.

*Corresponding author: Manfang Lyu

Published: December 19,2024


Description: “The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance”, the author of the paper requested a correction for errors in the printing, and the editorial board and the editorial department hereby declare in accordance with the international publishing requirements.

Title: The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance

Total pages: 5 pages (2240-2244)

The original content: 

Manfang Lv

1University of Arts and Culture (MUAC), Mexico City 04510, Mexico.

2Tianjin College of Media & Arts, Tianjin 301901, China.

The revised content: 

Manfang Lyu

1Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbaatar 15140, Mongolia.

2Tianjin College of Media & Arts, Tianjin 301901, China.

Hereby correct.


Correct errors in printing: Manfang Lv. The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance [J]. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 2024, 8(10):2240-2244.

How to cite this paper

Erratum:The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance

How to cite this paper: Manfang Lyu. (2024) Erratum:The Art of Preservation: The Continuity and Fading of Time and Life in Dance. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(11), 2651.