The renowned Arab-Islamic thinker Ahmad Amin is widely recognized for his historical and cultural works. Whereas his emphasis on family education, particularly in his influential work, To My Son, is often neglected. This collection of letters to his son encapsulates his educational philosophy, offering a comprehensive framework for cultivating personal and moral development within Muslim families. This paper argues that Amin’s approach to family education is both well-rounded and innovative, systematically addressing the roles of the individual, the family, and the nation in fostering a well-balanced upbringing. Amin’s principles incorporate elements of Islamic thought, social values, and practical wisdom, emphasizing the importance of moral integrity, intellectual growth, and the nurturing of civic responsibility. Amin’s perspective offers valuable insights into the enduring role of family education in shaping individual character and societal well-being. This paper explores the relevance of his educational philosophy in contemporary Muslim contexts and beyond, highlighting its potential to inform modern family education practices across cultural settings.
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How to cite this paper
The Family Education Philosophy of Islamic Scholar Ahmad Amin
How to cite this paper: Anqi Wang. (2024). The Family Education Philosophy of Islamic Scholar Ahmad Amin. The Educational Review, USA, 8(12), 1432-1436.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2024.12.003