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Optimizing Pronunciation Training for Chinese EFL Learners: A Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Obstacles and Improving Outcomes

Yaxiong Ouyang

Geely University of China, Chengdu 641423, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Yaxiong Ouyang

Published: December 30,2024


Enhancing English pronunciation among Chinese learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) constitutes a crucial priority within the Chinese educational framework, especially during the initial phases of language acquisition. Despite its significance for fostering oral fluency, the existing English curriculum in Chinese public secondary schools insufficiently emphasizes pronunciation instruction. Consequently, this shortfall has led to numerous Chinese EFL students experiencing difficulties with intelligibility in English communication. Enhanced pronunciation skills can significantly benefit students by reducing communication errors, boosting self-confidence, fostering enthusiasm for learning English, and improving their speaking, listening, and vocabulary retention. To address these issues, several recommendations are proposed: (1) providing comprehensive training for English teachers on pronunciation instruction; (2) involving parents in supporting pronunciation practice at home; (3) reforming classroom practices to integrate more phonetic training; and (4) implementing more rigorous assessments of pronunciation skills. These measures aim to improve pronunciation outcomes and overall English proficiency for Chinese EFL students. Several recommendations are proposed to address the issue of enhancing pronunciation skills among Chinese EFL students. These measures aim to improve pronunciation outcomes and overall English proficiency. The recommendations include: (1) providing comprehensive training for English teachers on pronunciation instruction; (2) involving parents in supporting pronunciation practice at home; (3) reforming classroom practices to integrate more phonetic training; and (4) implementing more rigorous assessments of pronunciation skills. Enhanced pronunciation skills can significantly benefit students by reducing communication errors, boosting self-confidence, fostering enthusiasm for learning English, and improving their speaking, listening, and vocabulary retention.


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How to cite this paper

Optimizing Pronunciation Training for Chinese EFL Learners: A Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Obstacles and Improving Outcomes

How to cite this paper: Yaxiong Ouyang. (2024). Optimizing Pronunciation Training for Chinese EFL Learners: A Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Obstacles and Improving OutcomesThe Educational Review, USA8(12), 1481-1486.