
The Educational Review, USA

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The Mechanism of Nature Connectedness in Reducing Academic Burnout Among Vocational English Major Students in China

Liuchun Wen

Guangdong Polytechnic of Water Resources and Electric Engineering, Guangzhou 510925, Guangdong, China.

*Corresponding author: Liuchun Wen

Published: December 30,2024


The current research investigates how nature connectedness affects academic burnout and relevant mediating mechanisms of vocational English major students in China. All students were from a vocational college in eastern China: 600 students took part in the survey and 550 valid copies were collected. The focus of this research is on the relationship between nature connectedness and academic burnout along with the mediating roles of subjective vitality and ego depletion, and the moderating role of family SES. The findings indicate that: (1) nature connectedness negatively predicts academic burnout, with an increased level of nature connectedness leading to reduced academic burnout; (2) subjective vitality and ego depletion partially mediate the relationship between nature connectedness and academic burnout; (3) the path of influence is moderated by SES and the effect of nature connectedness on academic burnout is more pronounced among the students with higher SES. These findings contribute to the theoretical relevance of nature connectedness in educational psychology and have implications for a potentially low-cost and scalable intervention to reduce academic burnout in vocational education.


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How to cite this paper

The Mechanism of Nature Connectedness in Reducing Academic Burnout Among Vocational English Major Students in China

How to cite this paper: Liuchun Wen. (2024). The Mechanism of Nature Connectedness in Reducing Academic Burnout Among Vocational English Major Students in ChinaThe Educational Review, USA8(12), 1487-1495.