
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Effects of Semantic Mapping and Rote Memorization on EFL Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition

Zhanbo Qu*, Fadzilah Abd Rahman

Faculty of Education & Liberal Studies, City University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya 46100, Selangor, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: Zhanbo Qu

Published: January 8,2025


The present paper aimed to compare the influence of two vocabulary teaching strategies on students’ vocabulary retention—roughly used in this paper to refer to the process of acquisition and memorization. In particular, the strategies of semantic mapping and rote memorization were compared and contrasted within a trail of evidence-based data gathered systematically from two EFL classes in Zhouqu Senior High School in Lanzhou. The participants of the study were 30 male students who were in grade 12, the last stage of high school in the Chinese educational system. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. In order to measure the impact of the two strategies under investigation on the students’ vocabulary retention, the two groups sat for a pre-test and a post-test. The intervention that took place between the two tests lasted for three weeks. The results showed that the students’ retrieval of the target vocabulary words improved as a result of implementing both strategies, but that the improvement which resulted from the use of semantic mapping overrode that which ensued from rote memorization.


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How to cite this paper

Effects of Semantic Mapping and Rote Memorization on EFL Students' Vocabulary Acquisition

How to cite this paper: Zhanbo Qu, Fadzilah Abd Rahman. (2024) Effects of Semantic Mapping and Rote Memorization on EFL Students' Vocabulary Acquisition. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(12), 2725-2733.