
The Educational Review, USA

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Employability of Senior High School Graduates under TECHVOC Track with National Certification in Graphics and Animation from TESDA

Love Cabrera Asis

De La Salle University Manila, De La Salle College of Saint Benilde, Lycem of the Philippines University, Manila, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Love Cabrera Asis

Published: December 22,2020


In 2012, then Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, sign into law the Republic Act 10533 or The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or most commonly known as K-12. The new curriculum was implemented in the school year 2012-13 starting from public schools and later followed by private schools. The law requires three government agencies such as DepED, CHED and TESDA to collaborate in formulating, harmonizing and avoid redundant subject in the en-hanced basic education curriculum. The K-12 curriculum is composed of kinder to grade 6 as primary education, grade 7 to 10 as junior high school and the additional 2 years, grades 11 & amp; 12 as senior high school. Through different tracks and strands, the added two years as senior high school ensures the college readiness of the graduates and at the same time the employability in case they decided not to pursue college. Among the track is TECHVOC that requires cer-tificate of competency and or National certification of their chosen strand through TESDA programs. However, after years of implementation it is still questionable that the first wave of graduates is employable after senior high school. The objective of this descriptive research is to give better understanding and avoid misconceptions about the employability of senior high school gra-duates in TECHVOC specifically ICT in graphics arts and animation under the competency by TESDA accredited training and assessment program. The re-searcher also aims to give in-depth information about the new curriculum, its supporting government agencies and private sectors, and expectations from gra-duates of senior high.


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How to cite this paper

Employability of Senior High School Graduates under TECHVOC Track with National Certification in Graphics and Animation from TESDA

How to cite this paper: Love Cabrera Asis. (2020). Employability of Senior High School Graduates under TECHVOC Track with National Certification in Graphics and Animation from TESDA. The Educational Review, USA, 4(12), 219-224.