
The Educational Review, USA

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An Empirical Model: Jewish and Muslim Women Students in Israel Gaining Empowerment Through Higher Education

Anat Gilat

The School for Advanced Studies, Gordon College of Education, Haifa, Israel.

*Corresponding author: Anat Gilat

Published: December 23,2020


The constitutive statement if knowledge is power? Was an inspiration to the con-struction of an empirical model to understand if the juxtaposition of social pow-ers (gender and religious regulation) with knowledge (higher education) can be found to yield self- and gender empowerment and was tested among 435 participants: religious and non-religious Jewish and Muslim women. They completed a self-reporting questionnaire (1-5 Likert scale), indicating the existence of a significant empirical SEM model. This confirmed the research hypothesis: gender regulation predicts religiosity, which in turn predicts a stronger perception of higher education as a resource, enhancing self- and gender empowerment. Significant differences were found, by religions, among the groups in the model’s variables. This paper could demonstrate how higher education provides a space allowing and challenging empowerment as a dynamic, socio-cultural empirical model.


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How to cite this paper

An Empirical Model: Jewish and Muslim Women Students in Israel Gaining Empowerment Through Higher Education

How to cite this paper: Anat Gilat. (2020). An Empirical Model: Jewish and Muslim Women Students in Israel Gaining Empowerment Through Higher Education. The Educational Review, USA, 4(12), 233-243.