
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Energy, Energetics and Energy Policy

Siniša Franjić

Independent Researcher, Croatia.

*Corresponding author: Siniša Franjić

Published: December 25,2020


Energy is one of the key global issues of economic development and human survival. The process of globalization has created a strong impulse to increase the production and consumption of products and services in the world. Accelerated development still requires an adequate resource base which is limited. Energy policy represents the way in which a particular entity decides to address energy development issues, including energy production, distribution and consumption. Features of energy policy may include legislation, international treaties, investment incentives, energy conservation guidelines, taxation, and other public policy techniques. The energy sector is, in the production sense, one of the most important factors of any modern society. Given that it forms energy forms that have different phases of production and distribution to the final consumer, the energy sector has become an area which needs to be legally regulated. The main goal in planning the energy development of each country is to create such an energy system that would be independent of energy imports and have minimal costs and losses in production, conversion, transmission, distribution and transportation.


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How to cite this paper

Energy, Energetics and Energy Policy

How to cite this paper: Siniša Franjić. (2020) Energy, Energetics and Energy Policy. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 4(2), 187-193.