
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Morphological and Molecular Study of Hundred-Year-Old Camellias Growing at Pazo de Lourizán, Pontevedra (NW-Spain)

C. Salinero, P. Vela*, A. Barros, J. L. Couselo

Estación Fitopatolóxica Areeiro, Deputación de Pontevedra, Spain.

*Corresponding author: P. Vela

Published: December 31,2020


Camellias have been present in Galicia for more than 250 years, and many an-cient specimens are still growing in the gardens of this region. The morphology, phenology and molecular analysis (SSR markers) of 277 ancient camellia specimens growing in the historical garden of Pazo de Lourizán (Pontevedra, Spain) were studied. With the results of this study a plan of the garden was drawn, including the location of each camellia specimen. All plants except one belonged to Camellia japonica. 192 of these specimens were grouped in 35 morphological groups, of which, according to old written documents on the garden, 151 specimens were identified and ascribed to 30 cultivars. The similarity among the specimens in each group was determined by using SSR molecular markers that had been successfully used in other works to differentiate among C. japonica cultivars. The application of these markers, which in some cases altered the initial morphological characterization, resulted in 144 specimens identified corresponding to 30 cultivars. The 94 specimens that were not assigned to any of the morphological groups, either because they did not have distinctive morphological characteristics or did not present a single allelic profile, were included in group Ω. A preliminary classification of the specimens identified in the historical garden of Pazo de Lourizán is presented in this work.


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How to cite this paper

Morphological and Molecular Study of Hundred-Year-Old Camellias Growing at Pazo de Lourizán, Pontevedra (NW-Spain)

How to cite this paper: C. Salinero, P. Vela, A. Barros, J. L. Couselo. (2020) Morphological and Molecular Study of Hundred-Year-Old Camellias Growing at Pazo de Lourizán, Pontevedra (NW-Spain). International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture4(4), 502-510.