The Educational Review, USA

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Methodological Assumptions in the Scope of the Teaching of History

Nicola Maria Camerlengo

PhD student, Department of Prehistory and Antiquity Sciences, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.

*Corresponding author: Nicola Maria Camerlengo

Published: March 29,2021


The exposition of the article in question focuses particularly on the problematic of the teacher relating first to the function of the transmission, then of learning, by the student, of the historical episode momentarily considered, no longer visualized and assumed in the “factum”. In itself, as well as in the meaning expressed in it, which goes beyond the event itself, visualizing himself above all through moments of reflection, dialogue and criticism. Inside, we first contemplate the “schematic representation of the pedagogical encyclopedia” by A. Visalberghi, revisited on the occasion by the author, in a didactic historical key, with, in addition, the description of some educational processes contemplated within the methodological structure IHD by R. Cattell. Many projects can be adopted by the teacher: in this circumstance two will be underlined, attributed to Mazzotta M. and Professor Ferrone AM. Both scholars, pedagogues, while differentiating themselves in the different passages, aim to bring out the problematic nature of the topic taken under consideration, also historical in our circumstance, temporally structuring a series of situations that from the dialogue, even casual, between the emerging actors (teachers and students), gradually consolidate into several episodes, later concrete and causal, structured in different topics and nuances. At the laboratory level, numerous activities will be created, even unusual ones, rich in different objectives and particularities, in the proposal of new didactic “opportunities” various in the interdisciplinary composition.


“However, I can recommend to any serious science student to look for a nice problem that he can really fall in love with and to which he is ready to dedicate his life. This attitude will make it easy for him to try and try again to find a solution, and to be critical of his own efforts which, in most cases, will have to be redoubled for them to be successful. And even if they appear to be successful, they should be questioned by himself, as they will usually be susceptible to improvement.” (Karl Popper, from a lecture given in 1992).

Author’s note. Clearly, with reference to the historical content proposal, the future teacher will deepen, on the merits, those disciplines already indicated in the various study plans offered by universities. These institutions, for the first three sectors, will extrapolate some of them considered by them to be more interesting, therefore mandatory. The others, suggested by me and included in the “schematic representation of the pedagogical encyclopedia revisited in a historical-didactic key”, are proposed here, very humbly, as a further moment of analysis and reflection.

Cattell, R. B. (n.d.). Psychological Theory and Scientific Method in handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology (pp. 10-17). edited by Cattell himself.

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Ferrone, A. M. and De Felice, F. (2015). L’approccio pedagogico (The pedagogical approach), La Musicoterapia tra didattica e didattica speciale in ambito sonoro musicale (Music therapy between teaching and special didactics in the musical sound field) (pp. 8-9). Dienne edition.

Honegger Fresco, G. (2018). Da solo io. Il progetto pedagogico di Maria Montessori da 0 a 3 anni (Alone me. The pedagogical pro-ject of Maria Montessori from 0 to 3 years). La meridian.

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Mazzotta, M. (1982). La programmazione (Programming). Bulgarini.

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Visalberghi, A. (1990). La pedagogia diventa scientifica (Pedagogy becomes scientific) (p. 19), Pedagogia e scienze dell’educazione (Pedagogy and education sciences). Arnoldo Mondadori.

How to cite this paper

Methodological Assumptions in the Scope of the Teaching of History

How to cite this paper: Nicola Maria Camerlengo. (2021). Methodological Assumptions in the Scope of the Teaching of History. The Educational Review, USA5(3), 70-75.