
The Educational Review, USA

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Hate Speech: A Linguistic Analysis of Student Messages in Schools

Sofia Tsagdi*, Kostas Theologou

National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

*Corresponding author: Sofia Tsagdi

Published: April 26,2021


Analysis of student messages is often marginalized in educational research and has not been employed to collect information about the messages in a school and their effect on students. The aim of this paper is to use visual methods to collect student messages around the school premises and then analyze them, in order to understand how these images/messages are perceived and processed by high school students in Greece. It reports on a participative research project in 9 secondary schools in Greece from distinctively different cultural and economic backgrounds. This paper draws on content analysis as a systematic, rigorous approach to analyzing documents obtained or generated in the course of research. The paper will highlight, how student messages can reveal the social and cultural influences within a school. Also, the paper seeks to confront the problem of identifying and censoring hateful messages around the school while weighting the right to freedom of speech.


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How to cite this paper

Hate Speech: A Linguistic Analysis of Student Messages in Schools

How to cite this paper: Sofia Tsagdi, Kostas Theologou. (2021). Hate Speech: A Linguistic Analysis of Student Messages in Schools. The Educational Review, USA5(4), 98-105.