
The Educational Review, USA

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Impact of Gaming Simulation of Garbage Classification on Foreign Residents in Japan

Yuri Okunishi1,*, Tomoko Tanaka2

1School of Education, Okayama University of Science, Okayama City, Japan.

2Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan.

*Corresponding author: Yuri Okunishi

Published: May 13,2021


A gaming simulation of garbage classification for foreign residents was conducted as a psycho-educational learning activity that has cognitive, behavioral, and emotional impact and reduces psychological resistance. Fourteen foreign residents (mean age: 28.9 years; mean length of stay in Japan: 48.6 months) joined the game. The participants attempted the quiz individually, with hints, and using the materials from the local government. The classification system with the original materials was explained to them, and they practiced teaching it to one another. They reported increased self-confidence, knowledge, and awareness of the system’s importance and reduced perceptions of difficulty, impossibility, and troublesomeness of the garbage classification. They further reported that they could use the game experiences in their daily lives. Positive changes in the participants suggested that this game had some effect on their social life skills. However, some participants were perplexed at the complexity of the classification. Optimization of the learning contents for participants based on individual differences is a future task.


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How to cite this paper

Impact of Gaming Simulation of Garbage Classification on Foreign Residents in Japan

How to cite this paper: Yuri Okunishi, Tomoko Tanaka. (2021). Impact of Gaming Simulation of Garbage Classification on Foreign Residents in Japan. The Educational Review, USA5(5), 106-116.