
The Educational Review, USA

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Influences of the Pandemic on the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education: The Case of ALGAN

Ana Júlia Viamonte

LEMA, DMA, Isep, P. Porto, Portugal.

*Corresponding author: Ana Júlia Viamonte

Published: May 20,2021


March 2020 will forever be known in the educational community as the month when almost all schools in the world closed their doors. Due to the pandemic, about 90% of students and all the world have been affected by the closure of schools. The speed of these closures and the rapid transition to “distance learning” allowed very little time to plan. The rush to move to online education has brought some associated risks, one of which is the assessment of learning. Teachers have not had time to plan and reflect on the necessary changes to be made to assessment with the passage to this type of teaching. In this work, we will start by reflecting on changes in the assessment of learning in higher education, especially those that were introduced during the pandemic. In a second point, the case of evaluation in a discipline of the 1st year and the 1st semester of an engineering degree will be presented. Finally, some opinions of the students involved in this process will be presented too.


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How to cite this paper

Influences of the Pandemic on the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education: The Case of ALGAN

How to cite this paper: Ana Júlia Viamonte. (2021). Influences of the Pandemic on the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education: The Case of ALGAN. The Educational Review, USA5(5), 131-137.